Free consultations for contraception and emergency contraception for 17 to 25 year old female patients
The service will cover the GP or doctor’s appointments
* to talk about contraception options and for repeat prescriptions for a wide range of short-term and long-term contraceptives such as the patch, pill, ring, implant, injections and IUDs
* fittings and removals of implants and IUDs or IUSs (coils)
* any check-ups or other follow up care needed, relating to your contraceptive of choice
* emergency contraception (morning after pill).
For further information you can call reception on 021-4301357
T :+353 21 430 1357
F: +353 21 434 7011
A : 53 Wilton Court, Wilton, Cork
Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 (appointment only)
(Full Opening Hours Here)
For after hours care contact SouthDoc
T : 1850 335 999